Additional Services
Wellness Programs
Smoking cessation plan designed by PGM. PGM can create a customized wellness program for your employees. The wellness plans can include smoking cessation, walking challenges, biometric screenings, etc.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Accounts offered and administered by employers that provide a way for employees to set aside, out of their own paycheck, pretax dollars to pay for the employee’s share of insurance premiums or medical expenses not covered by the employer’s health plan. The employer may make contributions to a FSA. Typically, benefits or cash must be used within the given benefit year or the employee loses the money. Flexible spending accounts can also be provided to cover childcare expenses, but those accounts must be established separately from medical FSA’s.
Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA)
Programs that allow an employer to set aside funds to reimburse medical expenses paid by participating employees. Health Reimbursement Accounts are initiated by the employer and serviced by a third-party administrator or plan service provider. The employer may provide, in the HRA plan document, that a credit balance in an employee’s HRA account can be rolled over from year to year like a savings account.
Health Saving Accounts (HSA)
A Health Savings Account is a tax-exempt trust or custodial account that an eligible individual sets up with a qualified HSA trustee to pay or reimburse certain medical expenses incurred.
Worksite Benefits
Worksite benefits are a cost-effective solution to help employees offset out-of-pocket medical expenses. Voluntary benefits can help your employees fill the gaps created by high-deductibles and rising co-pays, providing the financial security they need and deserve. Employees’ premiums can be payroll deducted and administration is simple.
Cobra Administration
COBRA administration allows the employer to request COBRA Rights and Qualifying Event letters directly through the Internet or by downloading files from their HR system to our COBRA processing system. Administrators can interface with your health carriers, and provide other plan functions in a timely and accurate manner to ensure your COBRA responsibilities are satisfied.
Employment Assistance Program (EAP)
Employment Assistance Program plans are intended to help employees deal with personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health, and well-being. EAPs generally include short-term counseling and referral services for employees and their household members.
Transit Check Administration
Transit/Parking Plans allow employees to set aside money on a pretax basis tube used to cover certain transit or parking expenses.
Group Business/Personal Travel Accident Plans
Traveling abroad can be an exciting experience. But it’s important to be prepared for any unexpected illness, injury or medical emergency. Many traditional medical plans simply are not designed for international travel, but IMG’s combination of insurance products and unparalleled services bring Global Peace of Mind®. We’ve served millions of people worldwide in more than 170 countries. Our products supply the coverage you need, while our services help overcome language, currency, time zone and cultural challenges. Some of IMG’s products include: International Medical Insurance, Travel Medical Insurance, Student Coverage and Travel Insurance / Trip Cancellation.
Compliance Assistance Programs
PGM facilitates access to experts who help your clients with compliance issues such as Section 125 Plans, 5500 Preparation, ERISA, and FMLA.
PGM’s Resources
PGM’s clients have access to reliable tools that simplify the insurance process. Looking for a medical professional? Use our Find a Doctor section.
Additionally, the Broker Resources Portal allows for users to access documentation regarding enrollment and compensation, while the HealthConnect Portal can provide quotes on benefits and rates.